Best Funny General Jokes

Collection of general hilarious funny short jokes that are guaranteed to make you laugh.

Italian Restaurant

in General Jokes
+28 -48

Just had the following conversation at my local Italian restaurant.

Waitress: Sorry for keeping you waiting sir.
Me: That’s ok. Did you know that this salt pot contains 22,358 individual grains of salt?

Inner Child

in General Jokes
+19 -39

Q. How do you find your inner child?
A. Coat hanger.


in General Jokes
+8 -28

My friend told me that I just don’t understand irony.

Which was ironic because we were at a bus stop at the time.

Loved And Lost

in General Jokes
+4 -24

They say it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Try telling that to someone who has AIDS.

Too Much

in General Jokes
+7 -27

You know you’ve had too much to drink when you wake up the next morning and find 10 pizzas and a mysterious wheelchair in your shower.

Pregnant Woman

in General Jokes
+18 -38

What does a pregnant women and a locked car have in common?

You can fix both with a coat-hanger.