The Best Funny Black Jokes

Black Guys

in Racist Jokes
+4880 -1339

Q. What do black guys have that’s double the size of white men and gets bigger every time they touch a woman?
A. Their criminal record.

Biology Test

in Racist Jokes
+2141 -578

Failed my biology test today.
They asked, “What do you find inside cells?”
Apparently “black people” wasn’t the correct answer.


in Racist Jokes
+2576 -1248

If I had a dollar for every time someone called me racist I’d have so much money that I’d probably get mugged by a black person.

Floating TV

in Racist Jokes
+2241 -948

What do you do if your TV starts floating in the middle of the night?

Tell the black man to put the TV down and threaten to call the police.

Long and Black

in Racist Jokes
+1003 -355

Q. What’s long and black?
A. The line at KFC.

Blacks Never Say

in Racist Jokes
+969 -327

Three things blacks never say that white people say all the time.

1. I’ve paid all the bills for this month.
2. Hi Dad!
3. Thanks for the warning officer.