Best Funny Animal Jokes

Contains funny animal jokes and dirty one liners that will have you in stitches.

Chicken rest

in Animal Jokes
+84 -45

Which day of the week do chickens hate most? Fry-day!


in Animal Jokes
+91 -56

I love how all these vegans still drink water. That’s a fishes house you disgusting savages.


in Animal Jokes
+102 -68

Why can’t elephants go on the beach?
Because they can’t keep there trunks up


in Animal Jokes
+192 -160

Q. Why did the zebra beat the horse at chess?
A. Because it’s a-frican genius.


in Animal Jokes, Racist Jokes
+256 -225

Q. Why are camels known as ‘ships of the desert’?
A. Because they’re full of Arab seamen.


in Animal Jokes
+53 -26

Someone attacked me last night with a bat.

I was really impressed with how well he trained it.