Best Funny Political Jokes

Political jokes and one liners that make fun of the ruling elite. Also includes some hilarious Coronavirus jokes.


in Political Jokes
+36 -14

At the rate we’re going people are gonna start banning shampoo so bald people don’t get offended.


in Political Jokes
+31 -13

The police say they burn all the weed they confiscate.

That would explain the doughnuts.


in Political Jokes
+46 -29

Shit I’ve survived:

Mad Cow Disease ✓
HIV Aids ✓
Sars ✓
Bird Flu ✓
Swine Flu ✓
Ebola ✓
Coronavirus (pending)

Covid Joke

in Political Jokes
+41 -24

I’d tell you a Covid joke but there’s a 99.696% chance you won’t get it.

Skinny Fat

in Political Jokes
+33 -17

I’m fat but I’ve decided to identify as skinny.

I’m trans-slender.

Political Acting

in Political Jokes
+33 -17

What’s the difference between an actor and a politician? An actor has better script writers with more believable story-lines.