Funny Short Jokes

Find the best quick hilariously funny jokes that are easy to remember.

Kim Jong-Un

in Political Jokes
+19 -20

Don’t know why everyone suddenly thinks North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un is crazy. It was obvious after he made that song ‘Gangnam Style’ that something wasn’t quite right with him.


in Disabled Jokes
+443 -245

Q. What caused the death of Captain Hook?
A. He accidentally use the wrong hand wiping his ass,

Friends Trust

in Relationship Jokes
+15 -12

My friend doesn’t trust me. I told him he could borrow my Microsoft Office 2003 but he said my word wasn’t good enough.

Strip club

in Dirty Jokes
+1193 -394

Got thrown out a Strip club last night for using monopoly money. I don’t see why I should pay real money to see fake boobs.

Bank worker

in Pick Up Lines
+15 -23

Do you work for a bank because you’re not giving me very much interest?

True Love

in Relationship Jokes
+16 -14

How do you know when you’re really in love?
You don’t have to hold your farts in anymore.